December 24, 2011 9:45 AM PST
Here's a page from our web site with a pic of the new Switchback and a couple of other bikes I own. As you can see, I have a website in which you'll notice that I'm not called Jimmy Acorn. I've never revealed my real name on the internet. People have called me Doc for over 40 years. In fact, I think my family are the only people who know my real name. So, Jimmy Acorn is just an alter ego ya might say, "Following in the footsteps of Johnny Appleseed" planting oak trees as it where.

There was never any intent to deceive anyone.

I was just being overly cautious though I can't imagine why. I sold my soul to the internet the day the WWW first exploded on the scene back in the late 80's. It's a little late at being cautious wouldn't ya say?! There's no doubt the government knows everything about me. So, there ya go. My handle is Doc. And, like BikerMedic on CF, I've been known as Bikerdoc at times. But I remain "Jimmy Acorn" to, hopefully, some new friends I may meet on the road.
December 27, 2011 6:40 PM PST
Gotta say, I LOVE my new Switchback! They have Road Kings but I am naming this The Road Lord! This things is a beast! Almost 100 lbs lighter than the king and just gets down the road with such fluidity! If you get a chance to demo ride one you won't regret it and god bless you if you buy one!
December 27, 2011 11:26 PM PST
Congrats, Well done
December 28, 2011 12:28 AM PST
Beautiful bike...and what a great Christmas present....hope you get to ride her soon.....
December 28, 2011 12:53 AM PST
Oh yeah. We've been riding her. It's been in the low 40's, a bit windy, but that didn't stop us. As for Black9's naming his The Road Lord, my brothers are already giving me a bit of sheite; calling my Switchback the Road Queen. A bunch of smartasses they are but they do have a point. I think it's make a great touring bike for those ladies who'd rather not tussle with the larger tour bikes.
December 30, 2011 4:19 AM PST
uhhh it's 2.2 inches shorter than a Road King and 1/3 less saddle bag capacity... it's a Dyna and it out handles and out corners all the big bikes... I still like the speed and handling element over the big ugly fairings and stereo equipment... ROAD LORD!