Sharing the Road Do You?

    • 3006 posts
    April 1, 2012 4:49 PM PDT
    What is your view on this? When a driver is riding your rear end do you pull over to let them pass? When another biker comes up on the same line your on? Do you clear the line? Or hold position?

    In almost any situation I have found the more willing you are to "share" the road,the less inclined you are to find yourself in situations that get out of control.Here in Calif we can lane split/filter thru traffic,.Yet even the most cautious lane splitter is going to encounter that one driver who has it out for anyone on two wheels.
    Even in that scene its best to go around those who dont share the road with bikers or others for that matter.

    stay safe n enjoy the ride
    • 5420 posts
    April 1, 2012 5:36 PM PDT
    When someone comes up on me (car or bike) and appears to want to go faster than I do I typically let them pass for a couple of reasons.

    First I always try to be courteous to others on the road (even though they may not always be to me), and if I just don't feel like riding that fast I will let them by when safe to do so.

    Second, I always look at it as if I know the driver/rider wants to get by and I don't let them do so when safe, they may just try to do so when its not safe. And the last thing I want to see is them get in a head on collision with an innocent driver coming the opposite direction or take me out trying to avoid the collision.

    It really makes no sense to me to hold my position just because I am going at least the speed limit and have the right to, especially if it causes me frustration or may lead an unsafe situation for me or others.

    There are a number of mountain roads I ride frequently and all of them have turnouts and plenty of signs stating "Slower Traffic Use Turnouts To Allow Passing". And it annoys the hell out of me when I get behind someone going slower than traffic and not using the turnouts (bike, car or truck). Not because I am in such a hurry that I can't ride behind them, more that it causes traffic to bunch up, tailgate each other and some idiot to jump a double yellow to make a pass.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 1, 2012 11:32 PM PDT
    If someone is riding my ass and seems to be in a hurry I generally let them pass. I would rather have them where I can see them. Frequently I will catch them at the next light or something and I am sure to let them know I am there and that they didn't really get too far.
    And...there are those times when a person is truly in an emergency situation and has to get to a hospital or someplace. I experienced that my self and really pissed off some other drivers.
  • April 2, 2012 12:00 AM PDT
    Can't really recall a time when a cage ever wanted to drive faster than I ride? But it does happened with other bikes. I move to the right fog line and wave them by me when it does.
  • April 2, 2012 2:09 AM PDT
    I"m kind of a relaxed type person got nothing to prove, ya want to pass me hell I'll get all the way over to the right and let ya go. Dam if they want to be the speed blocker I"m good with that you can have at it. Dude those on 4, 8 or 18 will always win I just don't want to be a blood stain. have a great one! "T"
    • 1855 posts
    April 2, 2012 2:36 AM PDT
    It depends on the mood I'm in I'm afraid. As a youngster I wouldn't have been so generous to the inconsiderate. But now I try to just remind myself that there are more dipsheites on the road than I can tangle with. I let 'em go by. As for holding the line when another rider comes up behind me: I'll hold the line because I can't predict what or when he's going to do something. Plus, the traffic is going to enter into the equation as well. I gotta give the biker the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he's doing.

    If someone is continually on my butt I'll put over.

    • 834 posts
    April 2, 2012 8:31 AM PDT
    I Always share the road - I would rather just let anyone by that wants to go by and just keep on keeping on.

    For cars I move over and slow a bit and just let them go by.

    If another bike is approaching fast I will normally hold my line and let them determine the line to pass. If they are behind me for a bit and I can tell they want to go by, I move to the right and wave them by.
    • 80 posts
    April 2, 2012 8:49 AM PDT
    I have no problem letting a vehicle of any type go by. I will move over. I would rather have the threat of a collision in front of me instead of behind tailgating me. I think the saying is " Speed on brother, hell ain't half full".
    • 1855 posts
    April 2, 2012 11:03 AM PDT
    The first time I did the Tail of the Dragon a couple of rocket riders told me, "When you're on the tail just ride normal. Don't try to get out of anyone's way. We'll watch for awhile, take note of your position, and then we'll go around." If you move to get out of someone's way it could be disastrous.

    In a pack (like a poker run), if you're paying attention to the guy behind you you're not payinng attention to the guy in front of you. The kid in front of me once was just frantic about where I was behind him. At the first stop I told him, "Look kid, you got to watch the guy in front of you or you're going to run up his ass while you're watching me. I'm not gonna hit you cuz it's you I'm lookin' at. And if you hit that big sucker in front of you he's gonna kill ya."

    Sorry, a bit of a fork in the conversation.

  • April 2, 2012 11:41 AM PDT

    'Fraid I am the hated one...Over here in England we are allowed to filter through stopped and slow moving traffic...its our right...if someone deliberatley tries to cut me off and stop me just because they are stuck in traffic they lose their mirror, lane changers get reminded I am there-did I mention I have one of the loudest Harley's in London...If they are talking on a cellfone I pull alongside and rev loud enough they cant continue their call...we filter when WE want to and nobody can stop us...the ones who try get varying degrees of damage according to the attempt.....

    Now Then, Over in USA when riding.....Because everyone is so polite on the roads with us it makes a total difference, I ride in a polite manner, oh sure, if someone comes up on me I hold my line, keeping steady in a lane is the best I have found over there as then if you ride direct and steady they can go round when safe, I will however wave them through when safe so it makes no difference to my own safety, I guess on the smaller roads or single track roads then its a wise move to let jerks pass, as yeah, keep them where you can see them...I have found that the crotch rocket brigade have a mentality all their own and if I am in a lane I will move far enough right so they can go kill themselves somewhere else...

    Now could you imagine what would happen if I rode "ENGLAND" style over

    I put the politeness in USA down to one thing never know who is packing and who

    Just a quick one...Over there one time, dressed in leathers with a longcoat on...just off the bike and the politeness seemed to be more so...confused? sure was - until, I realised that as I was walking toward a crowd of young people I had just slipped my hand into my "gun" pocket in my gave me a whole new insight into how you come across by your have played on it a few times...I got a better table in a restaurant, I got left totally unmolested by the freaks in a sports bar I went in one time...just by sliding my hand into my vest pocket on the way in the, dont knock had fun with it.....Just Wait Until You MEET ME!!!!!

    .....oh I like Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park!!!!!

  • April 2, 2012 2:06 PM PDT
    There's a stretch of Interstate in La. called the I-12 - it runs primarily btw N.O. and Baton Rouge. The speed limit is 70mph , but it could very well be 170mph...I ride it occasionally and very cautiously...when the (over the speed limit demons) come up on me....I pull to the right lane and as well, ...have been known to pull off to the right hand shoulder , I let 'em pass, then get back on - carefully ~
    • 1 posts
    April 2, 2012 2:23 PM PDT
    My best was back in 79...I was on my way to work, in heavy laned i was splittin between the ranks..and came up upon a car, the driver opened his door on me..He was in a Mercedes, with carpet front tyre hit the carpet and left a nice black imprint of the tread..he rolled forward saw the imprint, and went nuts at me without looking. So i sat there on my bike, black kawasaki 900. Looking down at him...He turned to me finally looking up roared well ya dumbass biker, haven't you got anything to say to me? Our eyes met...I saw his eyes taking in everything about me. White full face...with blue/white checker band around the jacket, blue cycle pants black knee high boots highly bike with blue lights intead of spot lights..siren cone...motorola radio going nuts at high volume..and a hancuff pouch on my left n white gauntlet gloves...and piercing hazel eyes... he slowly reached for the door handle and moved forward in the line...closing his door...everyone around him.laughing their heads off at him....I rolled past, down to the head of the line and assisted in moving the broken down cage outa the way, then directed traffic for an hour...he didn't look my way as he drove past, the people around him where still laughing and laughed even harder when he looked everywhere but at me when he went by.
    • 844 posts
    April 2, 2012 2:49 PM PDT
    I'm normally pretty relaxed when I ride, even to work (That's why I ride to work to get in a good frame of mind). So I pretty much let anyone pass who wants to go faster than me - car or bike. Guess I figure there are times I like to go quite a bit over the speed limit and appreciate when people let me by, then there are times I feel like just kickin it at the speed limit, so I let others go by.
  • April 2, 2012 4:24 PM PDT
    Like you, I don't want a vehicle following too close, so I let them pass. It's easier to let them in front than to worry about what's going on right behind me. On multi lane highways in cities I try to stay out of the cage pack. If I can't safely get away by leaving them behind, safety says to slow up and let the cages get ahead of me. There are no fender benders on a bike.
    • 3006 posts
    April 3, 2012 2:40 PM PDT
    Jonesy LOL !!
    you made my day !!! the look on that idiots face would have been hilarious,the feeling of getting to stare down that moron who cut ya off,thats the good stuff !!! He learned the hard way what it means to share the road,something thats important to know for any rider. : )
    • 1 posts
    April 3, 2012 3:27 PM PDT
    Since I have long since retired, and moved away...I spose i can share more of these road sharing experiences. I worked the Sydney Harbour bridge for a time. Traffic was always bad anytime after 7am or anytime after 3.30pm..when the lane changing took place. Traffic would just snarl. People would get so wound up...Being a bike cop, traffic kinda didn't bother me regardless whether i was on of off duty..I rode everywhere regardless. Another time i was actually doing the right thing i was sitting in lane traffic, myboss would have called it doing the wrong thing, as he wanted me someplace i really didn't want to be, so I took my time instead of lane splitting. Thats when I saw it, this ol geezer in a flash sedan...he opened his door... and leaned out...I cut across a lane and looked down between the cars...Here is this old geezer emptying his ash tray and cigarette butts. onto the pavement...sure they would have blown away...infact the ash had...but the butts were there in a neat little pile between the rows of cars...Exmple time. I hit the lights and gave the siren a boomed..the old geezer came up so hard he hit his head in the door jam. I pulled in directly behind him kicked the bike on its stand and got off...walked up beside him...down came the window...should I move to the side officer..."certainly sir ...just as soon as you pick all those cigarette butts you just dumped on the road up." The crowd went wild.... pointing and laughin at him... he got out and in his suit and tie..bent down and picked em all up..with me standing over him watchin. He got back in ..can I go now officer...Not so fast can pull into the break down lane now..why? For your reward thats why sir. You can't gimme a ticket i cleaned em up!...oh i can't huh? Thats not fair...he screamed...the laughter was contageous..I had a hard time not smiling..luckily my sunnies and helmet covered my face and mouth...i woulda drew a huge complaint. He pulled out and i cited him for fine just an offical warning written...He was happy about that part...I checked boss went nuts when he found out i cautioned him...My boss the Sgt in charge of all Police revenue...If you got time to caution em Jones.. you got time to write em up properly...I've had it with you and your do good image...Your off to the northern beaches...Some punishment..the beach and all them girlz and all their bikinis...