I Ride Therefore I AM!!!

    • 34 posts
    April 28, 2012 7:26 PM PDT
     I recently found out how much I take riding my bike for granted and the immense pleasure riding provides to me.  What brought this revelation to the front?  I fell and 'broke my hip' on feburary 24, 2012. i still can't walk and can't ride for another month or so. I'm not soliciting sympathy , I'll heal and then things will get back to normal. 
    Life is good and my bike is waiting on me make her rumble.  So i'm like a little kid who had his toys taken away. I think I'll call the 'Cry Baby Hotline' @ 1-800-WAAAHHHH and whine. Chuckle 

    'I Ride Therefore I Am'
    • 658 posts
    April 28, 2012 8:29 PM PDT
    Bob,   I know you didn't create this post for sympathy. But, sorry to hear about your injury. In my line of work I see people all the time that just had a missed step or tripped and ended up with a broke hip. The fall wasn't that bad, but the landing sucked. You've got me by a few years but, "We" got to work on those langings. lol  Wishing you fast and complete healing so you can get back to making her or "your other half" rumble.

  • April 28, 2012 9:21 PM PDT
    Speedy recovery to you, Fishtime! I kinda felt the same way with being deployed. I'll never tell my "bride" that Old Blue is running a close race with her...LOL!! Take it slow and easy and ENJOY!!

    MSG Bigg
    • 3006 posts
    April 29, 2012 3:18 AM PDT
    Hope ya heal up well,and you make a full recovery !!! I agree wholeheartedly we all take our riding time for granted all too easily,thanks for reminding me of that !!!

    stay safe n enjoy the ride
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    April 29, 2012 4:39 AM PDT
    "I recently found out how much I take riding my bike for granted and the immense pleasure riding provides to me"

    I can dig that my friend.
    The bottom dropped out of my world in the last few years and left me between a bike I had to sell and one I'm slowly building.
    I look at this as a time to reflect on my life's journey and a chance to hone my building skills.
    We'll all be back on the road and think back to this ride-less time as a chance we had to realize how much we love to ride.