June 7, 2012 10:03 AM PDT
Probably not the right place to post this, but really right now I do not care.
Lost a brother and dear friend last Thursday, the dumbass decided to get on his bike after he had been drinking and went and killed himself. Speed and alcohol did him in.
This man had a heart this size of a mammoth, he watched out for me while my husband was away for a year and a half. He made sure I was okay, he called me his ball buster, only because I always called him on his stupid stuff. I just wish I had been there that night he decided to go for a ride.
What bothers me the most is that his "friend" talked him into going, and when the accident happened the "friend" that was with Rusty left the scene of the accident, and is trying to tell everybody that the cops told him to leave. I call BS on this! He left a brother dying on the side of the road. They were playing cat and mouse on the highway, problem is that Rusty was playing cat and mouse with someone who was new to riding. And we have a feeling that this "friend" pushed our Rusty into the guard rail. Bottom line is that Rusty knew better than to get on that bike after he had been drinking.
Rusty left behind a son and alot of people that loved him very much, I can't even cry because I am so mad at him. He made a stupid choice and all of us are here picking up the pieces.
Just needed to vent you all, sorry for the downer. But thanks for listening.
Please ride safe you all!