April 16, 2013 1:24 AM PDT
I went riding with the group last Sunday...the usual suspects went about 15 of us...everything went smoother than silk, right up to the point when 6 riders pulled over to wait for me, cause I was running in my sled after some major headwork..Seems one guy's hand slipped off his clutch causing him to strike the guy infront..as he rode up his leg he caused him to hit the guy beside him...luckily it was from a standing start and not travelling. Things like that are not supposed to happen....now it seems that people don't wanna ride with this particular dude..yet when I rode with him he was fine...but then it was just him and I... reminds me of a time when I changed lanes and another mate changed with me...he took his eyes from me and we collided at 60 mph...a glancing blow but it would have been awkward considering we were in front of hwy traffic...stuff like that shouldn't happen.
April 16, 2013 1:51 AM PDT
A good example of why you should put the bike in neutral with your hand or foot on the brake ( no matter how experienced a rider you are). This practice might prevent you from being bumped into an intersection while waiting on a light change. Hope everyone gives your friend another chance. Ride safe.
April 16, 2013 2:11 AM PDT
Seen stuff like that too Jonesy, and I am very wary of the rider that caused the problem. Also why I rarely ride with anyone but TRUSTED friends...
April 16, 2013 5:39 AM PDT
Your right the clutch thing shouldn't have happened. However I am sure it was a complete accident (that is why they are called accidents) and if he is experienced and you have ridden with him before and are comfortable riding with him, I would certainly give him another chance.
Don't know if he has a road name or not, but from this point on he should be know as "Clutch" You should have a patch made for him with that on it and not ride with him until he put it on his vest :-)
April 16, 2013 7:14 AM PDT
Yeah, Lucky forgot to mention that he dropped his bike in the grass at AZ Bike Week last week while standing still and was laying on the ground waiting for someone to get the bike off his leg. I have ridden with Lucky a number of times and he is a great rider... so accidents do happen, even to good experience riders.
Give your buddy another chance, I am sure he learned from it. Now the guy that ran into you on the road... that is a different story. Not a lot of room for mistakes when riding at highway speed.
April 17, 2013 6:11 PM PDT
Oops! Jeez, it happens! "Oh, I thought I was in neutral!"
No harm, no foul...