November 11, 2009 4:52 AM PST
Popper, I have had that same issue several times in the past. Between the engine vibration and the heating and cooling of the parts (since it does run through the engine block), even Loctite doesn't seem to prevent it.
Not sure if anyone else has any suggestions, but I tighten those every time I change my oil.
November 11, 2009 5:02 AM PST
I had that once early on with Rex (04 RK). The front shifter fell off and was lost on the road. To be able to get home I put the heal shifter in front. Since I didn't like the heal lever anyway I never replaced the original front. He has not been shiftless since. I did have the front heim joint come apart at about 48K but that was just wear.
I think I put a small lockwasher under the hex head though.
November 11, 2009 5:19 AM PST
Now I love my rear shifter, but I always hated the fact that it got in the way while riding and I couldn't move my foot back. I noticed though that when I shifted, because of the angle of my foot, I was actually hitting more of the shifter arm with my heel than the shifter peg.
So here is what I did. It allows me to shirt just fine with my heel, but is out of the way for riding...
November 11, 2009 5:23 AM PST
VERY CREATIVE there Lucky!
November 11, 2009 9:48 AM PST
or maybe just take it off, wrap some black electrical tape around the threads then rethread the shifter back on! This should do the trick!
November 11, 2009 11:11 PM PST
Plumber's tape(white PVC tape) is another option. Not quite as thick as the electrical tape so it conforms to the threads easily.
November 15, 2009 1:59 AM PST
I like that rear shifter suggestion there Lucky!
November 16, 2009 3:21 AM PST
I also added these Floorborad Spacers from SoftBrake which extend the floorboards out about 3/4". That really allows you to put your entire boot squarly on the floorboard. I recommend them for anyone who has a Harley touring model.
December 16, 2009 6:01 AM PST
Thanks for all the suggestions. Put the heavy duty loctite and will check it often.
Lucky, thanks for the suggestion on the rear shifter...modified mine last weekend and love it! Now I need to get the floorboard spacers.
December 16, 2009 6:14 AM PST

Try putting one of thoes star lock washers and locktite make sure you use the right locktite extra hold
December 16, 2009 10:11 AM PST
Star lockwashers work great also there are different strength of locktite. Blue works well for 1/4 inch or smaller, Red works well up to 3/4 inch and Purple is industrial and works well from there up. Trust me on this I ride an 82 Wode Glide Shovel, The Milwalkee Vibrator.
December 16, 2009 11:58 AM PST
solid idea on the heel shifter lucky. i completely removed mine and made a spacer to fill the void, my last bike was a cruiser with floorboards, i just stood the shifter up and shifted with my heel over the top
January 5, 2010 2:41 PM PST
I had my heel shifter come loose on me. I tried tightening it up but that didn't work. I have nerve damage in my left leg & foot and can't toe shift very well. I have to pick my whole leg up from the hip even to heel shift. Turns out i was stomping a little too hard, at times, on the heel shifter. The problem was also complicated bye Harley using a combination of steel and aluminium on the shifting parts (Not sure which was which). You also have to be careful not to over tighten the Allen head bolts that hold the shifters onto the shifter spline, and make sure the bolts are lined up in the shifter spline grooves. I eventually replaced the shifter spline and heel shifter. I made sure I didn't over tighten the bolts. I also don't stomp on shifts any more
February 6, 2010 3:49 AM PST
Star washer and blue loctite should do the trick. But check it regularly, you should check all hardware occasionally.
February 25, 2010 3:29 AM PST
Be careful as you can wear out the spline over time. If it happens while you're on the road, you're screwed! Check it regularly and use loctite. It wouldn't hurt to put a little grease on it too.
April 1, 2010 10:10 AM PDT
Four months and 9,000 miles. Just checked it and its just as tight as I left it!!!
By the way Lucky. Got those floorboard spacers. It is amazing how much of a difference just 3/4" can make. That is all you need to get your foot fully on the floor board!
April 1, 2010 11:53 PM PDT
September 5, 2022 11:44 PM PDT
Don't care for the heel shifter had it on my Goldwing.