Motorcycle Poker Run
Registration: 8:00AM & KSU at 11:00
There will also be...
A Jeep Party hosted by the Post 9 Jeepers
A Golf Cart Poker Run
Music By: Freddie J. Nelson and the Back Porch Band on Friday Night Pre-Ride Party at 6:ooPM
Saturday we have a performance by the Side Project Band Pipe And Drum at 9:00AM
Dreamland Squadron Flyover at 11:00AM
Chris Kellam Acoustic at Noon
Twisted Fate at 3:30PM
Dedmon 7 Deadly at 7:00PM until 10PM.
Fun activities for the whole family.
Come out and support our Military & Veterans AND First Responders of this Nation and enjoy the biggest party of the Year.
We make every effort to ensure events listed in the CycleFish Motorcycle Event Calendar are accurate at the time of posting. However, event organizers sometimes make changes to event details, or cancel the event, without notifying us. If you find information that is incorrect, please Contact Us and let us know.