NBA Basketball Starting

    • 5420 posts
    December 20, 2011 3:13 AM PST
    Anyone who knows me knows that NBA basketball - specifically the Lakers - is my favorite sport to watch.  Yeah, I watch a lot of other sports and spend most Sundays and Monday nights in front of a TV either at home or at whereever the bike takes me, but basketball is my sport.

    And yes I am pissed that the season didn't start on time, and almost didn't happen, because of a bunch of rich players and super rich owners arguing over money.  But its past now and I'll get over it.

    So I am ready for some basketball.  I don't think the Lakers are going to win another Championship this year with all the changes to the palyers and coaching, but I'll still be chgeering them on.

    Who's your favorite team???
    • 3006 posts
    December 20, 2011 3:55 AM PST
    Go Warriors !!! tho I doubt we have a real shot? I still love this team & and the excitement they bring to town.
    Basketball is my second favorite sport after baseball,tho its a very close second !
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    December 20, 2011 5:39 AM PST
    I have to wait until Feb. 26 when my NASCAR starts. :-o
    • 1855 posts
    December 20, 2011 5:50 AM PST
    It's the one thing I dread every year I'm afraid. I thought I'd get lucky and not have to put up with it this year. Sorry, but I hate basketball and everything about it........especially ungrateful players.

    • 844 posts
    December 20, 2011 5:58 AM PST
    Looking forward to a repeat for the Mavs. Maybe we'll see your Lakers in the playoffs (AGAIN) Lucky.
  • g
    December 20, 2011 6:15 AM PST
    love my basketball .my 13 yr old daughter plays for one of scotlands top womans teams ,she also won an aword for scotland ,she was in the top 3 for scotland ,
    • 5420 posts
    December 20, 2011 6:22 AM PST
    Good for her Grant!!! My 15 year old son loves basketball too, playing and watching.
  • g
    December 20, 2011 6:24 AM PST
    have this old photo when she was playing for under 12 yrs team ..
  • g
    December 20, 2011 6:26 AM PST

    got it ..

  • g
    December 20, 2011 6:30 AM PST
    she's number 9 ,was only 11 yrs old at the time ,this was when she was asked to play on for the under 18yr old's ,..and they won the under 12 and 14 final ,got beat in the under 18's though ,but 2 out of 3 was dam good ,now she's 13 and plays for under 30 womens team ,and is one of the best womens teams in scotland , the sesions just away to start and ive to drive up n down to edinghburgh almost every month from jan till may ....
  • December 20, 2011 7:49 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 20, 2011 10:45 PM PST
    Nice G!

    This old road dog hasn't followed basketball since the days of Chamberlain and Russel.
  • December 20, 2011 11:53 PM PST
    Funny you mention, Lucky.  I've never really been a big fan of basketball but I think I might start watching the New Jersey/soon to be Brooklyn Nets.   My company supplied the steel for this new Arena.  Tell me this won't be a bad a$$ venue to see a game in! 
    • 844 posts
    December 23, 2011 2:33 AM PST
    Hey Lucky, How about them Clippers. Looking pretty damn good in the first two pre-season games.
  • December 23, 2011 3:22 AM PST
    • 1780 posts
    December 29, 2011 10:47 PM PST
    What the hell happen to the Mavs.......It's like yea we know we won the whole thing..........Yea Moron's that was LAST year. This is a new year so act like Winners.
    Of course I relize Basketball is riged just like the other sports......except Roller Derby...LOL
    Laughing Dragon
    • 5420 posts
    December 30, 2011 12:38 AM PST
    Not sure what happen to the Mavs there Dragon. They didn't make any major changes to the team, so its pretty much the same guys that played like a machine last year.

    I was worried about the Lakers after watching the first two games, but they are pulling it together. We looked pretty good last night and now the Bynum is done with his suspension I'm expecting to see it get better.
  • January 5, 2012 6:49 AM PST
      GO SPURS GO!!  

    NASCAR close second:  YAY!! #14 - smokin' 
  • January 16, 2012 10:43 AM PST
    I can actually say for the first time in YEARS....... them Clippers are looking pretty good!
    • 5420 posts
    March 15, 2012 8:43 AM PDT
    I can't believe the Lakers just traded Derek Fisher to Houston!!!! Yeah, Fisher may be getting a little old, but he is one of those team players the fans just love, and so do all of his Laker team mates. Hell he has his picture on more city buses around So Cal than Kobe does.

    We are going to miss "Fish".
  • March 15, 2012 9:28 AM PDT
    • 844 posts
    March 15, 2012 9:30 AM PDT
    Don't worry Lucky, Fisher has a good home now
    • 5420 posts
    March 26, 2012 11:31 AM PDT
    Well even though Sessions has proved a really good point guard since he got here, I still miss Derrik Fisher!

    But hell, the way things are going with both the Lakers and Clippers - who started great - I'm not sure either one is going to make it very far in the post season, if at all!
    • 844 posts
    April 4, 2012 8:25 AM PDT
    Man, I cannot believe that the Mavs won the Championship last year and look so bad this year. We've got most of the same players... what the hell happened!
    • 5420 posts
    April 29, 2012 5:00 PM PDT
    First weekend of the playoffs and man there were some great games... Especially since our Lakers and Clippers both won!!!!

    Don't know if anyone watched that Clippers / Grizxlies game, but that was one of the greatest comebacks EVER in an NBA post season game. I'm glad I'm not the kind to turn a game off early just because it looks hopeless for my team... The Clippers were down 24 points with less then 8 minutes left in the game and WON it by 1 point!!!!