The 2012 Summer Olympics!!!

  • July 31, 2012 6:27 AM PDT
    If anyone happens to watch the Ladies Diving competition, let me know how the Galashan girls do please...

    Carol and Helen Galashan were gymnasts last Olympics, and both did ok, but had injuries, now that they are too old for gymnastics they are doing the diving this time...

    These 2 are daughtgers of a friend of mine from some years back...Bill Galashan is a computer whizz who can write machine code from his head direct to computer, I lost touch with him since a good Biker venue closed down, we all used to go there of a sunday evening/night to watch live bands...
    • 5420 posts
    July 31, 2012 6:32 AM PDT
    SweetSoftTail wrote...
    Now maybe someone can tell me why in indoor volley ball there is one person on each team wearing a different color uniform?

    I had to look that up yesterday when watching...

    The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills: the libero must wear a contrasting jersey color from his or her teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. When the ball is not in play, the libero can replace any back-row player, without prior notice to the officials. This replacement does not count against the substitution limit each team is allowed per set, although the libero may be replaced only by the player whom he or she replaced.

    The libero may function as a setter only under certain restrictions. If she/he makes an overhand set, she/he must be standing behind (and not stepping on) the 3-meter line; otherwise, the ball cannot be attacked above the net in front of the 3-meter line. An underhand pass is allowed from any part of the court.

    The libero is, generally, the most skilled defensive player on the team. There is also a libero tracking sheet, where the referees or officiating team must keep track of who the libero subs in and out for. There may only be one libero per set (game), although there may be a different libero in the beginning of any new set (game).

    Furthermore, a libero is not allowed to serve, according to international rules, with the exception of the NCAA women's volleyball games, where a 2004 rule change allows the libero to serve, but only in a specific rotation. That is, the libero can only serve for one person, not for all of the people for whom he or she goes in. That rule change was also applied to high school and junior high play soon after.

    • 1855 posts
    July 31, 2012 10:25 AM PDT
    I have this thing about water polo being an Olympic sport? Man!!! And it certainly can't be much fun for the horses.

    • 5420 posts
    July 31, 2012 10:32 AM PDT
    Just got the funniest image in my head when I read that... Thanks for the laugh!!!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    August 1, 2012 5:12 AM PDT
    Folks busted for throwing Badminton matches (not the full-contact kind).
  • August 1, 2012 5:14 AM PDT
    Been pretty much glued to the TV myself. Especially enjoying the beach volley ball and the basketball. We should be able to take gold in all of those without a problem!
    • 5420 posts
    August 2, 2012 12:48 AM PDT
    Well the Golden Girls lost their first set ever in the Olympics last night, but they still won the match to move on. Gues a perfect record thru three entire Olympics would be asking a lot!
    • 2685 posts
    August 2, 2012 1:27 AM PDT
    Now that they have lost one all that pressure to be perfect is off so they can go in and just kick butt and have fun doing it.
    • 1855 posts
    August 2, 2012 5:19 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Just got the funniest image in my head when I read that... Thanks for the laugh!!!

    Wait for it it comes................they were riding Seahorses. 

  • August 2, 2012 7:39 AM PDT

    Should have seen that coming !!!!
  • August 2, 2012 4:40 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    August 3, 2012 5:35 PM PDT
    Shotgunner Kim Rhode Sets U.S. Record--First American to Take Individual-Sport Medal in Five Consecutive Olympics

    Posted on August 3, 2012

    NRA offers its sincere congratulations to shotgunner Kimberly Rhode, who, on July 29, won a gold medal in women's skeet shooting, becoming the first American to win individual medals in five straight Olympics.

    In her dominating win on Sunday, Rhode tied a world record with 99 points out of a possible 100.

    Rhode's Olympic journey began in 1996 at the Atlanta Summer Games, where she won in double trap. She went on to medal in Sydney, Athens, Beijing, and, now, London.
    • 5420 posts
    August 5, 2012 12:50 PM PDT
    Well I have got to say I have been pretty impressed and pretty proud of ALL the U.S. Athletes.

    Our swimming team, both mens and womens went there to kick ass and they did just that.  I know we are loosing a few of our men swimmers before the 2016 games, but the womens team has a lot of great really young ladies who I am looking forward to kicking ass again in 2016!

    Not one of my favorite sports to watch, but I had to go back and watch the recording of the womens gymnastics, both the individual all around - Gaby kicked ass! and the womens team event, ALL the girls did great!!!

    I have been really getting into the beach volley ball competitions - no not just for the outfits they wear.  Both our girls teams are dong great and would love to see Misty & Kari get the Gold with April & Jenn taking the Silver! 

    A little disappointed that Phil and Todd are out of the mens competition, but we still have our second team of Sean and Jacob who are looking like they can take one of the medals.

    Then there is the basketball. Watching the US play is kind of like watching the Globetrotters play.  We just keep taking the ball away, pass and dribble down the court and put it in the hole.  All the sports shows were down on the US for running up the game against Nigeria (153-76).  Really what did they expect it was 5 of the worlds greatest players against a team that just formed 2 years ago and had no real competitive experience.  I watched the game and the only way we could have not run the score that high was to miss intentionally - and we all saw what happens when you intentionally play bad!

    One sport I just don't get is the indoor track sprint cycling.  Have you seen this?  For the first two laps its like a slow race where they go as slow as possible without going off the track or putting their foot down, then all the sudden one will break out and the other chases them.  It's basically a one lap race.  I think I would take off from the start and catch the other guy off guard !!!

    Of course I am cheering on all of the US athletes, but it was pretty cool to see GB pick up a good number of medals on their home turf! 

    Overall it has been a GREAT Olympics and the US is kicking ass... leading both in overall medals and gold medals!!!

    Okay back to the couch to watch some more!!!
    • 5420 posts
    August 6, 2012 12:15 PM PDT
    USA takes another win in Men's Basketball - imagine that

    The big surprise, at least to me, was Spain loosing to Brazil! I really thought Spain would go undefeated until they met the US!
  • August 7, 2012 7:56 AM PDT

    Ok, well, I gave a public health

    "Of Course Team GB Ladies Rowing Team, it is basically the same movement as IRONING!!! "

    "The First Medals in Olympic Sailing Results are in.....America snatched Gold, Russia took Silver, and Somalia took a middle aged English couple called Elsie and Fred and are holding out for a Ransom!!! "

    "The 100m final at the 2012 Olympics will be just like any other Friday Night in Stratford...You hear a gunshot and then see 8 people"

    "I'm sending the Brazilian Olympic team a good luck message...Last time a Brazillian jumped over a barrier in London the Metropolitan Police SHOT HIM!!! "

    "Latest News In : The Irish Olympic Team have arrived in Beijing..."

    "Watching the womens beach volleyball on TV there has been a serious wrist injury...but its ok, Doctor said I should be ok again by"

    I am a bad man, I know this, but the jokes are flooding in regarding the Olympics and I just thought that I would share the clean ones with you.....(Some of them are REAL

    • 5420 posts
    August 7, 2012 12:10 PM PDT
    Apparently the Women Volley Ball players in Brasil have trouble getting dressed.  Not only do they have to label that it's a bra so they know what it is, they also put a #1 on it so they know it goes on first....  And she still got it wrong!

  • August 8, 2012 9:38 AM PDT
    • 9 posts
    August 8, 2012 10:06 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Apparently the Women Volley Ball players in Brasil have trouble getting dressed.  Not only do they have to label that it's a bra so they know what it is, they also put a #1 on it so they know it goes on first....  And she still got it wrong!

    Oooh sarcasm there...bwahaahaaahaaaa!
    USA USA USA!!!
    Wins Gold...AGAIN!  YES!

    Ride Free

    • 834 posts
    August 8, 2012 11:13 AM PDT
    US Men's Basketball WINS again - off to the semi finals to kick Argentina's butt.
    • 58 posts
    August 8, 2012 2:27 PM PDT
    Jet, you had me in stitches....twice!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 9, 2012 1:23 AM PDT
    Beach Volley Ball, now I Understand the fuss...

    • 544 posts
    August 9, 2012 1:54 AM PDT
    What volleyball?  Hell, that makes me want to cry.
  • August 9, 2012 8:00 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Beach Volley Ball, now I Understand the fuss...


    Wish I Was There!!!
    • 2 posts
    August 10, 2012 2:58 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...


    Ok, well, I gave a public health

    "Of Course Team GB Ladies Rowing Team, it is basically the same movement as IRONING!!! "

    "The First Medals in Olympic Sailing Results are in.....America snatched Gold, Russia took Silver, and Somalia took a middle aged English couple called Elsie and Fred and are holding out for a Ransom!!! "

    "The 100m final at the 2012 Olympics will be just like any other Friday Night in Stratford...You hear a gunshot and then see 8 people"

    "I'm sending the Brazilian Olympic team a good luck message...Last time a Brazillian jumped over a barrier in London the Metropolitan Police SHOT HIM!!! "

    "Latest News In : The Irish Olympic Team have arrived in Beijing..."

    "Watching the womens beach volleyball on TV there has been a serious wrist injury...but its ok, Doctor said I should be ok again by"

    I am a bad man, I know this, but the jokes are flooding in regarding the Olympics and I just thought that I would share the clean ones with you.....(Some of them are REAL

    The head of the Somali Olympic squad has apologised to officials on behalf of their team after realising that shooting and sailing were two separate events.

    • 5420 posts
    August 10, 2012 3:52 AM PDT
    Well the Olympics are almost over and I must say almost all of the Americans and the American teams were pretty damn impressive.

    My favorites were both of the girls Volley Ball Teams, the uniforms and the way they played.  Can't ask for much more than a U.S. vs U.S. Gold Medal match!

    The individual I liked the most this year was without a doubt Missy Franklin (swimmer).  Not only did she win 4 Golds and a Bronze in her first Olympics, she is just a great young lady!  At 17 years old she certainly seams to have her head on straight.  she turned down all kinds of endorsements to continue her plan of competing her senior HS year and go on to college and compete there.  (I'm feeling kind of sorry for the other girls HS swim teams in her area!)