Bolt on Head Temperature Guage...

    • 284 posts
    January 29, 2013 10:49 AM PST
    I Ride a 04 Sportster.

    I have been looking for a Bolt On Head Temperature Guage.  I have searched a good bit and found some for the touring, and some that are $400 or more.

    I remember years ago on my 57 Chevy pickup I had a Bolt on Temp Guage along with the water temp guage.   I know it was fairly inexpensive and  an easy install.  Just bolt it on and read the temp.  I had it bolted to a header bolt.

    So the big question is anyone know where I can find one?


  • January 29, 2013 11:35 AM PST
    Summit Racing has the water temp screw in guage. Probably have oil guages as well 3/8 pipe thread
  • January 29, 2013 2:38 PM PST /> cylinder head temp gauge and sending unit J&P cycles
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    January 29, 2013 3:58 PM PST
    Might be cheaper getting an aftermarket one for an air-cooled VW.
    • 1 posts
    January 31, 2013 3:32 AM PST
    I would just go with an oil temp gauge. I know the oil and the head/cyl temps are different, but once you establish a norm temp for yoru oil you know if it goes up more than 20-25% its getting too hot.
    • 5420 posts
    • 1855 posts
    January 31, 2013 5:43 AM PST
    Here's my take, for what it's worth, on motorcycle temp gauges; head, oil, etc. Ride your motorcycle, do all the required maintenance, and stop worrying. The bike didn't come with 'em and believe me, you'll spend more time glancing at the gauges, and questioning the readings more than you need to. I always liked the looks of an oil temperature gauge but it's not worth the aggravation associated with having one. Enlighten me a bit as to WHY you really think you need one.

  • January 31, 2013 7:31 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    Here's my take, for what it's worth, on motorcycle temp gauges; head, oil, etc. Ride your motorcycle, do all the required maintenance, and stop worrying. The bike didn't come with 'em and believe me, you'll spend more time glancing at the gauges, and questioning the readings more than you need to. I always liked the looks of an oil temperature gauge but it's not worth the aggravation associated with having one. Enlighten me a bit as to WHY you really think you need one.


    • 284 posts
    February 10, 2013 8:39 PM PST
    Thanks to everyone, got some good ideas and places to look. Never thought of the VW, and gotta check out that website that lucky posted.

    Jimmyacorn wrote about 11 days ago

    Basically I have the oil temp gauge and I glance at it when I am stuck in traffic. Living in the South, where last year we hit 100*F+ actual temp, with heat index over 115*F for over 3 weeks, I wanted to just keep tabs on the head temp. I also have been reading about cylinder head cooling fans. I do not know about the rest of the HD line but the 04 Sporty is cold natured as heck and runs really smooth below oil temp of 200*F,

    It is not like I am going to ride and stare at it. Also I like gadgets, and making stuff work. If it catches my eye I will try to build the better mouse trap.... lolol Thanks again.. Oh and I usually search for days before I post for help.

    Found the coolest Oil Cooling system, but like many of the cool after market toys they do not make them for Sportsters. Sucks huh.....