January 11, 2014 1:56 AM PST
I originally joined CF in 2011 and, don't know why but, never did anything with it after setting up my profile -- I guess that life in general just got in the way. So anyway here it is, 2014 and I decided that I'm not going to let life get in the way any more. I'm married, own a home, have a full time job and several vehicles to take care of and I wouldn't change any of it but, there needs to be more time for just saying "**** it" to mowing the grass or raking leaves or fixing something on the cages and blow the dust off the bike and just go.
Back in the day of my younger years, I used to hang out with a bunch and we partied and rode like hell ( there wasn't much else though ) then there was a stretch of aboout 4 years when I was ... Umm, on "vacation" courtesy of the Commonwealth of Va. and on my return from said "vacation" alot had changed. First of all, I didn't have a motorcycle anymore and all the "friends" that I thought I had were nowhere to be found and I decided that I no longer wanted to be the "hell raising, partying, living for the moment with nothing to show for it" person that I was before so after settling down and putting a life together, I bought my present 2003 Softail new ( my very first new bike ) in '03. The mentality of people in general has changed drastically though -- I didn't buy my motorcycle to impress anyone. I bought it to ride and, I thought that it would be a common interest with other riders that would foster more comraderie and social get togethers. What I quickley ( or maybe not so quickley ) found out was that there are A LOT of people around here who bought motorcycles because "that's what everybody else was doing" with absolutely no interest in riding or being a part of the lifestyle.
Most times, I ride alone or two-up with my wife just to burn some gas and get in the wind but on a few occaisions, I have ridden with others who want to bar hop or ride across town to XXXX's house to "watch the race ( or game ) and get drunk" -- Sorry, not interested. Hey I'm not against having A BEER or two during a ride -- with lunch or dinner -- but, I don't want the ride and lunch and dinner to be DRINKING BEER.
Then there are those people who act like they are friends that I never hear from or that talk about how much they're going to ride "this year" and, "we're going to get together and ride to the rallies" and nest thing I know, Spring has come and gone, then Summer and Fall and it's Winter again and I hear the same B.S. all over again.
I've seen motorcycles on the side of the road ( and have been one of those on the side of the road ) and have watched dozens of motorcycles ride past without so much as a second look. Nobody stopped, nobody checked -- nothing. What The **** !? This isn't the same Code that I grew up with. Granted, back then there was no cell phones or roadside assistance like there is today but who cares ? That person on the side of the road is STILL a rider who may just need a little bit of gas to get to the next exit or someone to hold a wrench for them ( that's all I needed ) but these ignorant fucks were in too much of a hurry to get to the next bar to be troubled by someone else outside of their clique.
Sorry about the rant, I guess the reason for this post is this -- I'm not looking to be a part of some outlaw MC ( no disrespect intended to those who are ) and I'm not looking to bar hop or be a part of any "clique" either. What I was hoping for was to find those people that share similar interests and ideals and know what being a friend means. I don't care what you ride but I can be most helpful to you if you ride a Harley because that's what I know about. That doesn't mean that I won't ride with you or help you work on your bike because you ride a Goldwing or a sportbike.
2014 is a brand new year and I plan to make it the year that I stop surrounding myself with "fake friends" and self-proclaimed "brothers" who wouldn't know the first thing about being one. It's one thing to talk the talk but another to walk the walk.