I need you

    • 910 posts
    February 11, 2010 2:12 PM PST
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    Keeping my first promice,

    Dear Buffy:  My husband told me about your project and asked that I contribute the story of my favorite patch.  I am somewhat selective as to what goes on my vest, and I gravitate toward women's issues, such as the patch that says, "I'm still hot, but now it comes in flashes".  However, my favorite patch is a round, orange patch with a motorcycle in the middle, and its rider with his hands on the grips, but his but in the air, in the middle of a tumble.  The caption of the patch is "Over the Handlebars Club."  I earned this patch on my first ride with the American Legion Riders.  I was meeting the members of this group for the first time, although my husband had been a member for a year or so.  On a bright, crisp Sunday morning in October 2008, my husband and I went to Sunday school, skipped church, and met the group for a nice Sunday ride and brunch.  On the way back home, through a convoluted series of events, we were involved in a accident in which three of us were seriously injured, and in the midst of which I went flying "over the handlebars" of my 2004 Sportster and became a paid-up member in the Over the Handlebars Club!  I broke my arm/elbow in 5 places, but have since recovered and in April 2009, got right back on my bike and have been "cruising" ever since.  Needless to say, however, my husband and I have made it a rule to NEVER skip church, again.  Hope this little story will help you out in your project.  Good Luck and God Bless.  Sharan.

    Ok Buffy your next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Second star to the right and straight on to morning, off to never never land!

    Words cannot fully express the gratitude I have. Thank you for sharing with me. I'm glad you are here to tell that story!

    I don't have an "over the bars" patch, but I've been over the handle bars of a dirtbike. The picture I posted at the top of this forum (2nd entry) is of my only patch (at present) but right above that is a miniature dirtbike with rider that was put in my Christmas stocking by my son and ex-fiance' a couple weeks after a severe accident. I went over the handle bars and the bike and I somersaulted into a ravine.. long story, but you've been through it so I don't need to list the specifics. That is why I have that dirtbike and rider posed the way it is. It's been that way since 2006 as a symbol, like your well-earned patch, of what I've come through... 5 months after that accident, I began riding my first motorcycle. Good for you for getting back on that (iron) horse. We have much in common there. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to talk to you more about it, outside of this forum.
    • 6 posts
    February 11, 2010 3:36 PM PST
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    thank you 2 are still recovering 16 months later 3 helicopters and 1 ambulance are never good.

    She's also earned a "broken wings" patch just for bein' in an accident. Not sure where you get them though. Does she still have the nerve to ride at all? My mom put her first bike down (now my bike) twice in as many blocks trying to learn to ride, and won't try again. Glad to hear your wife is alright! God Bless!
    • 1509 posts
    February 12, 2010 2:33 AM PST
    Here you go if they don't have your patch you may need to make one!
    http://www.smokeymountaintrading.com/ /> http://sunshinepatches.com/ />
    Good luck
    • 910 posts
    February 12, 2010 4:46 AM PST
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    Here you go if they don't have your patch you may need to make one!
    http://www.smokeymountaintrading.com/ /> http://sunshinepatches.com/ />
    Good luck

    Thanks for the links... and the luck. :-)
    • 1 posts
    February 13, 2010 3:21 AM PST
    Was @ the Buell site when I should have bee working (   http://www.badweatherbikers.com/buell/messages/4062/538119.html?1266080521  ; ) and found this one
    "I'm working the Easyrider Bike show this weekend in C-Bus and I finally got around to having some patches put on my old leather coat. "

    Just saying - p.s.: Feel free to post your inquiry there. They are friendly, helpful chaps & you may have to explain the Buell/HD animus to your proff.

    • 910 posts
    February 13, 2010 4:57 AM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    Was @ the Buell site when I should have bee working (   http://www.badweatherbikers.com/buell/messages/4062/538119.html?1266080521  ; ) and found this one
    "I'm working the Easyrider Bike show this weekend in C-Bus and I finally got around to having some patches put on my old leather coat. "

    Just saying - p.s.: Feel free to post your inquiry there. They are friendly, helpful chaps & you may have to explain the Buell/HD animus to your proff.

    Thank you for this suggestion. I'll try anything in order to gather the required data needed to write the paper. I was still 8 responses short of hitting the minimum (replies coming in from CF and requests going to my offline contacts) which concerned me, and now he's asked me to surpass that. He didn't tell me how many more than 30 I should gather, but I hope it's not much more. I'm running out of people to ask.
  • February 13, 2010 9:11 AM PST
    Here is Steven's patch I was telling you about

    • 1040 posts
    February 13, 2010 1:24 PM PST

    Buffy, here are a couple of vests if ya still need info for your project. Thr first two pics are of my grandson's vest

    All patches are pretty self explanatory.
    American Flag for the Greatest Country on Earth
    United States Marine Corps Patch for his grandad's service
    Harley patch
    FXR patch denotes the model Harely I ride

    POW/MIA "Some gave all, all gave some" Honoring all those vets who never came home and also those who did
    Yin Yang patch denotes grandsons focus on the Martial Arts
    Harley Wings patch

    Don't know if this helped but its here if ya can use it.

    • 910 posts
    February 13, 2010 1:28 PM PST
    thank you fxrdude! I do still need more this is helpful!
    • 1040 posts
    February 13, 2010 1:50 PM PST
    Buffy, this is my vest we wear as a member of the Mobile, Alabama chapter of the Marine Corps League. This organization is comprised of former, active duty Marines and any members of all branches of service who wish to join. Our goal is to work within the community to aid, help, or lend a hand to those in need such as charitable orinazations, help the PGR at times, help organize, and work with and for homeless vets, local hospitals, and hospitals such as "ST. Judes Children's hospitals to name a few.

    Large Marine Corps Emblem
    All other patches are those of Units I was assigned to while on active duty

    POW/MIA Pin
    Marine Corps League pin
    My USMC Rank pin
    Rifle and Pistol badges
    Pins of various units I was attached to while on active duty
    Harley Patch
    Pin of little child for work with St. Judes Hospital
    American Flag
    CVO FXR4 Patch (My Bike)
    Semper Fi Rider Patch (We call ourselves the "Semper Fi Riders" Semper Fi (Latin) is Marine Corps Motto meaning Alway's Faithful

    Again, hope this helps and the best to ya with your paper
  • February 14, 2010 9:20 AM PST

    Hey Buffy...

    I have 2 patches on my leather.  One is a Harley patch with an eagle to represent my new found freedom to fly on my own without a man or his bike and the other patch says "Smart Ass White Girl"     ...No explanation needed...lol

    Good luck on your paper!!


    • 601 posts
    February 14, 2010 9:38 AM PST
    This is one of my patches, it the Easter Lilly,. In Ireland it was first made in 1916 when there was a revolution against the English occupation, same as your own in 1776. The Green signified Ireland, the white and orange signified both religious traditions united, so as not to make it a sectarian conflict. Over the next 6 years of fighting thousands died, but most of my country was freed. However 6 counties remain under British rule, this is thankfully being fixed in a peaceful manner. However people who believe in a unified country still wear this emblem over their hearts, to show their allegiance and also to honour the men and women who died for our freedom.
    • 1040 posts
    February 16, 2010 7:21 AM PST
    rory1 wrote...
    This is one of my patches, it the Easter Lilly,. In Ireland it was first made in 1916 when there was a revolution against the English occupation, same as your own in 1776. The Green signified Ireland, the white and orange signified both religious traditions united, so as not to make it a sectarian conflict. Over the next 6 years of fighting thousands died, but most of my country was freed. However 6 counties remain under British rule, this is thankfully being fixed in a peaceful manner. However people who believe in a unified country still wear this emblem over their hearts, to show their allegiance and also to honour the men and women who died for our freedom.

    Always have had a bit of inquisitivness of history, especially from the aspect of how people in many cases seem to have the instinctiveness for liberty and freedom from their opressive governmental rule. Thanks for the bit of a history lesson here rory; look forward to more from all you Brothers andd Sisters from over yonder

  • February 18, 2010 12:46 PM PST
    Dear lady, I hope this project is still a viable topic for you and that you have enough material. What is up ??
    • 190 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:08 PM PST
    No new posts on V2 yet, but I'll keep checking.
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:11 PM PST
    Hello Howard, Thank you for checking in with me on this. Yes, this is a viable topic.

    I asked my instructor in class today what the stages of the project are and the timeframe we should expect to have each phase completed. I explained that I was still gathering information and hadn't yet met the minimum but he assured me that I am way ahead of the game. Apparently, other classes were no where near my progress (information gathering phase) this early in the term. *huge sigh of relief*. Having said that, I do still need to hear from others that wear patches but I have time to collect that information.
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:19 PM PST
    If you are curious (or perhaps others reading this are), the phases of the project

    Topic (done)
    Unit of analysis (2-3 drafts done)
    collection of data (in-progress)
    Measurement tool (2-3) - *Creation of the measurement tool is the next phase of the paper.
    (I think this is out of order...) Hypothesis
    In-progress bibliography
    (?) Theoretical (paradigm) Section (I'm shrugging at this one, guess I'll know what it is soon enough)

    That's maybe not as clear as it can be, but he was extra animated in class today (even brought us munchkins... which I tried to politely refuse without success).

    • 6 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:19 PM PST
    Still waiting to hear from my dad... he's having trouble getting pics loaded. (old dog, new tricks lol). He's still planning on scanning his jacket for you though lol
    • 6 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:20 PM PST
    Never refuse the munchkins lol
    • 6 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:20 PM PST
    Never refuse the munchkins lol
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:22 PM PST
    hutch78 wrote...
    No new posts on V2 yet, but I'll keep checking.

    Thank you for checking there for me. If you just saw my reply to Howard, I am happy to have learned today that I do have more time to continue gathering responses. I'm more than just a little relieved too!
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:25 PM PST
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    Still waiting to hear from my dad... he's having trouble getting pics loaded. (old dog, new tricks lol). He's still planning on scanning his jacket for you though lol

    Thank you! Tell him I am very thankful and no pressure I have some breathing room on this. :-)
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:27 PM PST
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    Never refuse the munchkins lol

    hahaaa, not refusing things like munchkins is why I'm a very active member of the summer bod forum here. *lol* But no way was I risking hurting his feelings.
    • 6 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:29 PM PST
    Oh, I wasn't worried about feelings, I just really like munchkins.... well, really any donuts lol
    • 910 posts
    February 18, 2010 1:31 PM PST
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    Oh, I wasn't worried about feelings, I just really like munchkins.... well, really any donuts lol

    *lol* ok, so if you make it to the meet & greet in KY in June I will make a mental note to bring donuts. *lol*