February 1, 2012 4:38 PM PST
I have to say that the rallies are all fun and good but they are really about showboating if ya ask me. Don't get me wrong I have myself a good time and always do. I have to say its the gypsy tours that are far more interesting, but picking one is hard cause the popular well are popular and just jammed. I found one though its called the BMR or Big Mountain Run. Its held by cycle source Mag. and Last year we met at Wicked Willies Chopper Shop in North Carolina and road to Maggie Valley where we camped over night at Wheels Thru Time. Dale open the museum up to us then bought every one breakfast. On his grounds we had a huge bonfire, folks brought their instraments and we has some good old blue grass billie music going on. From there we let for the Hiawesse Campgrounds in TNN. Its located near the Cherohola Skyway, Deal's Gap, Cherokee National, Pigeon Forge. Once at the campground, they had bands at night, a keg night, good old fashioned bike games, then there was tubing, and just about anything else you can think of going on. Since this was a gypsy tour there were no trailers except for the vendors, we all camped in tents, it was a good old school gathering of 3,000 folks with no silly 50 year old babe showing their ex husbands sweat off, no fancy non ride able bikes. It was mostly dudes and a great deal of them built their own rides. They jumped their bikes and all kinds of good clean fun. Check it out if ya got the heart to. have a great one! "T"
February 2, 2012 9:20 AM PST
Redwood Run!! Although I do agree with Tumbles in regards to some of the runs being about showboating and other BS.
February 2, 2012 10:10 AM PST
Cool, look forward to seeing you at the Redwood Run!!!
Yeah, I gave up on those so called rallies where its more about showboating and buying even more stuff for your bike!
You don't have to worry about showboatin' at the Redwood Run - unless you consider watching me get drunk and falling down a show
February 2, 2012 11:05 PM PST
HAHAHAHA Hey Lucky I imagine you fall with style and grace....I look forward to seeing it. (That is based on the fact that I am still standing and able to see....The Redwood Run has a way of impacting my vision as the night wears on!!!
February 3, 2012 2:31 AM PST
My favorite ride and event is the Bikes, Blues, and Bar B Que in Fayetteville, AR. I currently ride a sport looking standard type bike, and the Ozark Mts. offer beathtaking views, and lots of great twisty Mt. roads. There are generally 200,000 plus that attend this, so there are lots of things to do and some great bands to pick from.
I long to attend the Daytona Speed Week and biker rally. I'd love to watch the AMA Superbike and MotoGP races.
Yes I like cruisers too. If I were a rich man I'd have about 4 different bikes.
February 12, 2012 9:39 PM PST
Bike Week Oklahoma @ Sparks America
Sign at the gate says "Cloths Optional Beyond This Point"...
First time I rode my bike in the buff!!!
My Dad was a practicing nudist, died 11 years ago... He would've been proud...!!
February 12, 2012 10:43 PM PST
As I sit here waiting for spring. My favorite run is........ The one I haven't taken yet. It could be anywhere or at anytime I don't know yet and will only know it when it happens. This is what make riding for me what it is a moment not to be lost in a cage.
February 12, 2012 11:54 PM PST
As far as events go, I love American Heat in Palm Spring in October. Not much of a ride from here unless we take the Pines to Palms Hwy. I am not one for super huge crowds and have little toleration for stupidity and drunkenness. Did like AZ bike week as far as events go.
February 13, 2012 1:21 AM PST
Angel City Rally in Unadilla,GA has become a favorite with me. They hold a Spring and a Fall Rally. I prefer the spring rally as the attendance is better.
Angel City is a bit calmer than most of the others I have attended. A friend of mine says it's a family rally. LOL
The venue is a western type town. It is like a hub and spokes, with the covered stage being the hub and the spokes being the roads out with vendors in the western facade buildings. Aside from the typical biker stuff vendors, there is a couple of food places and a couple of bars.
February 13, 2012 1:57 AM PST
Redwood Run. It's like coming home each time. I wonder what bands will be there this year.
February 21, 2012 8:14 AM PST
My favorite ride and event is the Bikes, Blues, and Bar B Que in Fayetteville, AR. I currently ride a sport looking standard type bike, and the Ozark Mts. offer beathtaking views, and lots of great twisty Mt. roads. There are generally 200,000 plus that attend this, so there are lots of things to do and some great bands to pick from.
I long to attend the Daytona Speed Week and biker rally. I'd love to watch the AMA Superbike and MotoGP races.
Yes I like cruisers too. If I were a rich man I'd have about 4 different bikes.

Another one on my TO DO list. For some reason I had never heard of this event until I started the site and saw they had added it to our calendar. Since then I have heard more and more about it and added it to my list!!!
February 21, 2012 5:18 PM PST
I've never been to a real motorcycle rally yet

I have been to Las Vegas Bike Fest and American Heat in Palm Springs but those were more like shopping trips at the motorcycle clothes mall. Wasn't very impressed with either one.
I am hoping to get to the Redwood Run this year, that sounds like fun!
February 21, 2012 5:27 PM PST
SST, your right that they are not what I would call rallies... they are Bike Fests or Motorcycle Expos. However Las Vegas Bike Fest can be fun if you know where to go. American Heat used to be a lot more fun, but after last year I was very disappointed

I'll go back because it's only an hour away and I do promote CycleFish there.
Really hope you can make it to the Redwood Run... It is the ONLY true biker rally left in California.
Another one of my west coast favorites is ABATE of Arizona's - Too Broke for Sturgis. And even though there were a few problems last year caused by a couple of idiots, it will go on again in 2012.
February 22, 2012 1:26 AM PST
Definitely the Black Hills Rally in Sturgis SD! Interestingly enough the ride there and back is where the real fun is... funny and strange things happen along the way and the best part is it's like a party all the way to the Black Hills!
February 22, 2012 8:12 AM PST
Lucky Bikes, Blues and BBQ was a really fun time, don't make it a one day I'll get to it run, just do it. Shoot man I paid 6.00 for to taste 150 different types of BBQ from across the south, their sides and drinks too! Then there are 3 different bands each night, the party section of town, and some of the roads outbound to ride, I found everyone helpful, less "showboaters" there, maybe a younger type group cause of the University but still a real fun and welcoming time
February 22, 2012 10:24 AM PST
been to daytona...rock and blues...biktoberfest..and fire and ice in the US, great bike rallies. But over here the bike scene is a very tight bunch. I think there's only 30,000 bikers in Ireland and maybe only 3000 would be regular rally goers, so our shows and rallyys are just one intermittant conversation, loaded with booze and musik, makes for a real tight crowd, posers not tolerated and no trouble. The biggest and probably the best is the Freewheelers MC in September, its like a last gathering of the unwashed before winter sets in...and we are all like squirrells storing up on booze and music and talk for the winter.
as for the best ride... any ride you share with friends, be it 20 miles or 2000 miles is good..I know the old saying is "its not the destination, its the journey"...well for me its who I take the journey with !