• 0 posts
    March 15, 2012 11:00 AM PDT
    • 5420 posts
    March 15, 2012 11:09 AM PDT
    Boof, I thought you were a stunt man????

    I wasn't exactly sure but I always new I wanted to either fix things or design & create things things.  In my variety of careers I have been lucky enough to do pretty much that.  Of course when I was a kid I thought it would be more of things like cars or something mechanical... never really thought I would be a computer engineer and than running a website... but that's probably 'cause there were no computers (at least not in wide use) or websites when I was a kid!
    • 1161 posts
    March 15, 2012 11:19 AM PDT
    I wanted to be a Army man and jump out of planes like my grandfather did (2 cool!). Then I wanted to be a firefighter in the Army like my dad (2 cool!).
    • 846 posts
    March 15, 2012 11:21 AM PDT
    Well when was in school I wanted to be a gas station attendant and my girlfriend at the time wanted to be a go go dancer. Don’t know if she ever fulfilled her goals. But the advent of self-serve gas station ended that one. The later on as I came close to finishing high school it was either a Forest Ranger or a Mechanical Engineer. We’ll all those plants in Latin just turned me off plus engineering didn’t require as much English and as you can see from my writing that sat well with me. The funny thing is wanting to spend time outdoors did come into play. I’ve spend 23 years as a weekend White Water Guide. Still do it but not every weekend now. Life’s a strange journey but the outdoors and bikes have always been there from me.

    I’m with you Boof in it all I still have beer
  • March 15, 2012 11:40 AM PDT

    Hey BOOF....lol.....Grow Up?  You Sure???

    Growing Older May Not Be An Option ..... But Growing Up IS!!!!!

    I NEVER want to grow up...lol...

    I pretty much fell into the things I have done all my life, wouldn't change much of what I have done...

    I have worked with animals and birds since I was a little kid, feeding and rearing baby birds, looking after small and sick animals, getting them all fixed up and releasing the ones that are capable of surviving in the wild...best place for them...

    My Handler/Trainer/Wrangler career came about when I was at a bird auctions...I wanted some white garden doves, somebody was bidding against me and they fetched more than twice what I thought they would originally go for, but I got them...lol...Then the woman I was bifdding against came up to me and offered double what I had paid so I told her she should have outbid me, she said she wanted them for a film job and I could have them when she was finished, anyhow, I ended up doing the job with them and she was happy with the result, I got the job done easy, and then she asked what other animals and birds I had worked with...

    Well, the list was endless-and I had a load of exotics and domestic wildlife available to me and I started working for her...after a year I went to another agency who offered me twice the money...by the end of the first year with that agency I started my own up (Animal House)...lol...and then a few years later I was top UK Trainer/handler for 4 years on the trot ...I left that work (retired) in 1991 as I could see what CGI was doing and knew it would only be a matter of time before animals and birds were replaced in film work....and look what happens now, hardly ever see any real animals and birds in films anymore.....I got out at the right time.....

  • March 15, 2012 12:23 PM PDT
    One I wanted to be a Park Ranger/Game Warden. I wanted to bust them bastard illegal hunters. I wanted to walk through our Nations National Parks, and help hikers while protecting the native species of animals and plants. The advisor suggested DVM, so I took animal sciences got that AS, CVT and went to Rutgers with the plan of Uof P. However when the Ex decided to quit his job well the dreams of an Ivy league education went by the way side. I love my job as head tech, and a vet tech it is, I wouldn't have trade them years, because of the really neat stuff I got to do. like holistic medicine, internal medicine man running CATs and such were neat, emergency medicine, some wild life medicine, and then general practice. I've been honored to work with some truly brilliant minds, and some really silly fools. It is what I am and well to grow up I'd still like to be game warden.
  • March 15, 2012 2:11 PM PDT
    Growin up leads to growin old and then to dyin' and dyin to me dont sound like all that much fun.I fight authority,authority always....... you get the idea
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    March 15, 2012 2:25 PM PDT
    When I was really young I lived in the country and figured out early boys get to do more than girls, so the first thing I wanted to be was a boy.. lol.

    After that didn't work out in high school I wanted to be a Mechanical Engineer, then I got side tracked for a while, so I was going to do hair, thats when I became a beauty school drop out!

    Then I was a mom and my little girl had some medical issues.

    After all that was said and done, I went ahead and became a Marketing Director/ Administrative Assistant/ Office Manager/ Graphic Designer/ CF Moderator/ and when I am not doing that, I just like to have a good time..
    • 3006 posts
    March 15, 2012 2:48 PM PDT
    LOL Boof good post ; )

    For my own part,I always recall wanting & waiting to know what I wanted to be when I grew up.. never had a clue,mainly cause I spent most of my youth playing in garage bands on guitar & harmonica,mainly thinking I was gonna be a really kool rock star "someday" .... along the way I ended doing just about whatever work came my way.
    Started work at 15 , worked in a lumber yard for years,did warehousing for at least 5 years,done scab work & done union jobs too,& I still hadnt figured out what I wanted be when I grew up,yet I had a better grasp of what I didnt want to be.

    I guess my best answer would be some sort of work having to do with the music industry,writing songs,stage set up work,sound systems management etc or even a rock star !! Early on I realized what a tough road that would be for me,since I wasnt gifted like some musicians I played with.I was blessed tho being here in bay area got to jam w/ really awesome people & get to know some kool people.All the while I was riding,it wasnt till my daughter came along that I started to put my bike away.Riding in the bay area is a hazardous proposition at best at worst it can easily kill you..too many tourists drive like crap yet I cant blame them,the roadways out here are a mess.Too much traffic n too little dollars for repairs.

    Probably drank enough beer to float a battleship in my youth,nowadays I still play yet just dont drink the beers like that anymore,probably a good thing,cause riding & drinking dont mix real welln lately all I ride is the bike since my daughter "borrowed" my truck last year n just seen it with new tires this week LOL she is taking real good care of it for me..isnt that sweet ehh ?

    If your ever in my neck of the woods give me a holler would be glad to share a beer,I'll even spot ya the first round mate !!
    • 6 posts
    March 15, 2012 2:54 PM PDT
     Been riding for 54 yrs, covered over 600000 miles on 2 wheels-why would I want to grow up.
  • March 15, 2012 2:58 PM PDT
    As a young boy I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Later on maybe a coach or sports announcer. Well, none of that came to be, but today is beyond anything I ever thought or dreamt of.
  • March 15, 2012 3:04 PM PDT
    A XXX movie star. Still practicing.
    • 2072 posts
    March 15, 2012 3:41 PM PDT
    Had too many ideas to list...... Wanted to be a mechanic and build race cars.... So I did. Got burnt out on that and decided to save the world and enrolled in the Police Academy. Got my degree, played cop for a while, got pissed off at California's stupid laws and left that behind me. Ended up spending 25 + years in construction eventually owning my own business. At the same time I became a firefighter/EMT and qualified as a state fire service instructor for the State of Arkansas. Finally retired and found that to be very boring. Went back to school and became a Surgical Nurse. And that my friends is where I am now.
    • 823 posts
    March 15, 2012 3:51 PM PDT
    Wanted to ride bulls, so I did. After 15 years off and on I had gotten too old and slow to ride bulls. Never really settled down job wise until about 10 years ago. I have to like what I do or i am hard to get along with. I worked my way into Permitting and right of way in the oilfield. I love it and the pay is great, got lots of time off. I put in 20 or so years of bustin my ass in the oilfield doing many jobs I didn't like just to get here. If this don't work out one day I will just run away from home............f*#k it!!!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 15, 2012 3:54 PM PDT
    I figured I'd like to become a biker that could build stuff I needed in life.
  • March 15, 2012 4:10 PM PDT
    I achieved what I wanted to do. I was the Director of Customer Service for a large National Builder ... and we know what happened there. Then I worked as a project manager building hotels throughout the Southwest... Ahhh yes life was good.I traveled all over doing what I do best, Lots of pressure and deadlines and men that constantly wanted to test me. I won. But I loved my work, the stress, the long ass hours. I miss it. I have come to the conclusion that I will never again work with in the building industry, and that makes me sad...

    Now, who knows what the world holds for me, But I do not see my annual vacation in Maui coming back anytime soon..Grow up... screw that, I am regressing.
  • March 15, 2012 8:26 PM PDT
    still working on this one, the goals set by my young self years ago came thru. worked in law enforcement for a stint, more recently had my own business, mobile fleet mechanic. 18+ years of wrenching on all kinds of vehicles was enough. now in my fallback trade till i get a clear picture in my head where i am going this time. i may grow old, screw growing up
    • 395 posts
    March 16, 2012 1:09 AM PDT
    i just wanted to be a ballerina....i still practice in my living room,lol...
    • 80 posts
    March 16, 2012 1:33 AM PDT
    My dad was a biker in  a M/C so that is what I wanted to be.  As a young man, money got very short and the US Navy gave me a job and two choices for ships.  I chose submarines because everyone knows there are only two types of ships on the sea - Submarines and Targets.  26 years on the boats caused a lot of intermittant riding on the highway, but I rode whenever we were not underway at sea.  I retired and then went back to full time riding.  The glitter of an M/C rapidly diminished leaving me much of a loaner on the road.  22 more years have passed and the love of the highway on a bike has only grown stronger.  Much entertainment is provided by the young rider's tales while enjoying a beer or two in a roadside gin mill.  Life is still great and I have no regrets.  
    • 51 posts
    March 16, 2012 3:51 AM PDT
    I wanted to be a career soldier like my dad, but due to some medical issues I couldn't even get in the military :-(

    • 638 posts
    March 17, 2012 1:30 PM PDT
    I wanted to be the Fonz or Evel Knievel
  • March 17, 2012 2:57 PM PDT
    As a youngster growing older I wanted to be a COWBOY. Rode horses for many years till I graduated high school and traded up to a "steel pony". Been riding off and on ever since. I guess I am still a cowboy only on a "steel horse" do I ride. Giddy up Black Betty..............
    • 0 posts
    March 18, 2012 2:01 PM PDT
    I am not sure yet. I am only 54, I have plenty of time.
    • 1 posts
    March 18, 2012 2:59 PM PDT
    Hey boof I so wanted to be a garbage man, when i was a little kid...I thought garbo's were really cool, till the day they let me ride on the back up my street...right after they'd picked up this trash from a huge party that was a week old...cured me on the spot. That smell..and them off white things...that wriggle...maggots...yeah lol.

    i never wanted to be a crap carter though...I caught one one day stealing our outhouse can...yeah anyone wearing a coif can't be trusted in the eyes of 5 yr old...so after i tripped him over and the contents went all over him...and he kicked my ass...yep that cured me...
    • 1780 posts
    March 19, 2012 2:25 AM PDT
    I'm growing old.....but I will never grow up!